What is Vertigo?

What is Vertigo? As a chiropractor, I’ve seen many patients who struggle with vertigo—a term that describes a sensation of dizziness, often due to issues within the vestibular system, which…

Are you wearing your shoes properly?

When wearing lace up shoes it is important to undo them when taking them off.  This ensures you don’t stretch the shoes and loose the support in the shoes.  When…

The Pelvis and Sacro-iliac Joints

The pelvis is composed of several bones. These include the ilium, pubis and ischium which fuse together during puberty to form each side of the pelvis. There are also the…

Plantar Fascitis

Plantar Fascitis The foot is a complex anatomical structure that combines bones with muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is designed to carry our weight, absorb shock and maintain stability when…

Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ, or Jaw Joint)

The temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ, or Jaw joint) is a joint that often is not considered as a joint that can contribute to symptoms. It is however a highly innovated joint…

Posture Form Pillows

POSTURE FORM PILLOWS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE CLINIC Improve your Sleeping Posture Sleep and Recover to your full Potential! Wake up Feeling Great! The Posture Form Contour Pillow Designed…

Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

It is not uncommon for a patient to present to the clinic after spraining their ankle. They will often present with a mild to severe limp (or in the worse…

Inflammation and the use of Ice

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response and can be chronic (long term) or acute (short term). It is caused by the body’s response to a pathogen such as…

Protecting Children From Damage or Injury

What to look for in a School Bag? Our kids’ spines are developing and looking after them during this time is important.  It is therefore imperative to make sure when…

Common Injuries and Conditions

What is Tennis Elbow? Tennis Elbow is a condition that is associated with overuse of the extensor muscles of the forearm and the tendons become inflamed where they attach to…

Posture and Health

Good posture is important for good health.  When we have good posture, our muscles and joints move well. It is also true that we can breathe deeper using our diaphragm,…