How High Heels and Wallets Can Impact Your Posture – and Your Health

For many women, high heels are a go-to choice to dress up an outfit. However, it’s essential to understand the impact they can have on posture, from the feet all the way up to the neck. High heels shift your weight onto the balls of your feet, which can lead to foot discomfort and even long-term problems. This forward weight distribution also shortens and tightens the calf muscles, impacting the knees and increasing pressure on them. To maintain balance, the natural curve in your lower back (lumbar lordosis) is exaggerated, and your chest shifts forward to prevent falling. These postural adjustments can gradually lead to back pain or exacerbate pre-existing issues, causing more noticeable or acute symptoms over time.

Men can face a similar posture issue – though not from high heels. A common cause of back discomfort in men is carrying a wallet or phone in their back pocket. Sitting with a bulky item in your back pocket creates an uneven base, raising one side of the pelvis. This imbalance forces the spine to twist lightly to keep the body level, which can result in low back pain over time. Luckily, this is an easy problem to solve by simply moving your wallet or phone to a different pocket when sitting.