Are you wearing your shoes properly?

When wearing lace up shoes it is important to undo them when taking them off.  This ensures you don’t stretch the shoes and loose the support in the shoes.  When tying your shoes, you should always make sure that they are tied firmly so that your shoe does not move in the shoe when you are walking.

What should you look for when you are buying laced up shoes?

1. A good lace up shoe should have support in the heel – when you press on the heel it should not flex down to the sole of the shoe.

2. The shoe should not be able to bend up on itself

3. The shoe should not be able to rotate

When you have found a pair of shoes it is always a good idea to look at your Achilles tendon position and if it is in a neutral position when wearing the shoes.  If there is rotation or tilt in your Achilles tendon the shoe is not suitable.

Please feel free to speak to Danielle if you have any questions.